Bernie Sanders Wins Two Major Victories Over Hillary Clinton in Weekend Caucuses – but Hawaii Is Still Up for Grabs

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Bernie Sanders secured two victories against Hillary Clinton on Saturday when he was declared the winner of both the Washington state and Alaska caucuses, according to the Associated Press (via NPR).

Washington – with its 101 delegates – was the biggest prize of the day, with Sanders taking home at least 18 delegates when 40% of voters were reporting at press time. (Clinton, meanwhile, had secured five.) He also nabbed nine of Alaska's 16 delegates with 72% of caucus locations reporting. Hawaii is also taking part in caucuses on Saturday.

Before the caucus results came in, Clinton still had a significant lead over the Vermont senator (and friend-of-birds), with 1,697 delegates to his 976. (2,383 delegates are needed to win the nomination, with 2,092 still up for grabs.)

Next up, the Democratic candidates will battle it out for Wisconsin's 96 delegates on Tuesday, April 5, and then the Wyoming caucus (with 18 delegates) will take place on Saturday, April 9.