Behind Chelsea Clinton’s Surprising New Twitter Crusade Against President Trump

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She’s the daughter of one of the most famous political families in America and she’s been in the public eye for more than 25 years now. But former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton has always been known for playing it safe — for being in politics at her parents’ side, but always careful to keep her soundbites bland and not make waves. Until now.

Clinton, 36, the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Democratic presidential nominee and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has become more and more outspoken against President Donald Trump and his team in recent days, hitting her mother’s 2016 rival where it hurts — on Twitter.

Her tweets — including a particularly biting one from Friday in which she criticized Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway’s “Bowling Green massacre” gaffe — show a politically proactive side of Clinton that we’ve rarely seen in the past, and news outlets like The Washington Post are taking note of the “striking change in tone.”

And Conway’s fiery response Friday afternoon could signify the start of Clinton’s first political Twitter feud.

Below are some of Clinton’s other politically charged posts from the past week.

Clinton’s recent tweets on the Women’s March on Washington, Trump’s travel ban and his National Prayer Breakfast speech quickly joined the ranks of her most-retweeted posts, the Post noted, citing favstar. By contrast, the majority of her other most-circulated tweets were past posts on the births of her two children, her mother’s presidential campaign, and the Obamas.

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The targeted tweet storm comes after a November report from the New York Post that Clinton was being groomed to run for Congress, specifically for the New York seat held by 79-year-old Rep. Nita Lowey. Her parents’ Chappaqua home is in the district and they recently purchased the house next door.

It remains to be seen whether Clinton will carry on the family dynasty. Until then, we’ve got our eyes on her Twitter.