Anne Hathaway Manages to Make Chest Hives Look Totally Glam

Actress, new mom, and Beyoncé aficionado, Anne Hathaway has been out of the limelight for a New York minute, taking time off to care for her newborn son, Jonathan. But over the past few weeks she’s been back on the red carpet, making the talk show rounds doing press for her role in the film Alice Through the Looking Glass, a task which can be understandably nerve-wracking.

The actress revealed on Instagram she came down with a serious case of anxiety prior to her appearance on The Ellen Show. And while we don’t fully understand why, we can’t help but feel like she’s kind of pulling it off?

Anne Hathaway Hives The Ellen Show
Anne Hathaway Hives The Ellen Show

Typically, nerves are something people, famous or not, try to suppress, putting up a perennially chill facade. But the ever-relatable Anne decided to let fans in on her little stressed-out secret, posting a photo of herself to her social media account revealing a chest full of blotchy, red hives or “#ellendegeneres Nerves” as she calls them, i.e. the bane of all easily embarrassed or stressed out ladies. But of course, the actress somehow managed to make even a touch of blotchy décolletage look chic.

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Don’t ask us to explain it, but for some reason Anne pulls this splotchy look off. Maybe it’s the fact that the particular rouge hue of her chest perfectly matches both her cheeks and her lipstick to create a monochromatic glam moment. All we’re saying is, don’t be surprised if more stars start sharing their #ellendegeneres nerves on social media.

What’s your trick for calming your nerves?

–Emily Kirkpatrick