Why is Jada Pinkett Smith Boycotting the Oscars? Actress Speaks Out in Facebook Video

After the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences snubbed actors and actresses of color in the four acting categories for the second year in a row, actress Jada Pinkett Smith took to Facebook to explain why she is done with the Oscars. "I can't help but ask the question, is it time that people of color recognize how much power, influence that we have amassed, that we no longer need to ask to be invited anywhere?" the Gotham star said. "I ask the question, have we now come to a new time and place where we recognize that we can no longer beg for the love, acknowledgement or respect of any group?"

Pinkett Smith also voiced her question on Twitter Saturday, asking if people of color should step away from participating in the Oscars completely.

Read more:
°Here Are the Multiple Actors of Color Who the Oscars Ignored in Their Nominations
°For the Second Year in a Row, the Oscars Failed to Nominate a Single Actor of Color

The 44-year-old actress isn't the only one feeling this way. The Oscars snubs inspired its own hashtag, #OscarsSoWhite, created by Broadway Black managing editor April Reign. Using the hashtag, director Spike Lee took to Instagram Monday to announce he wouldn't be attending the Oscars, either. "We cannot support it and mean no disrespect to my friends, host Chris Rock and producer Reggie Hudlin, president Isaacs and the Academy," Lee wrote. "But how is it possible for the second consecutive year all 20 contenders under the actor category are white?"

Why is Jada Pinkett Smith Boycotting the Oscars? Actress Speaks Out in Facebook Video

Throwing her hands up, Pinkett Smith said, "Let's let the Academy do them, with all grace and love. And let's do us, differently." The actress said that she supports host Chris Rock, although she will not be attending or watching the awards ceremony.

The Academy Awards will air Feb. 28 on ABC at 7 p.m. Eastern.