Try This Yoga to Wake the Eff Up In the Morning

From Redbook

Some people are morning people. Other people are don’t-talk-to-me-before-three-cups-of-coffee people. Whichever camp you fall in, a quick morning yoga flow will make you feel more energized and more awake before you even leave your bedroom.

“Doing yoga in the morning helps you ease out of that creaky, post-sleep weariness and prepares you for the day ahead,” says yogi Jessamyn Stanley. Even just a few of these poses for a few minutes every day can make a major difference in your life.“’

Let Stanley walk you through your new morning routine.

RELATED: Try These 8 Yoga Poses If You’re Too Scared to Go to Yoga Class

Perform the following poses in the sequence below. Move through the flow 4 times, holding each pose for 3-5 deep breaths.

Mountain Pose

Stand at the top of your mat and root your feet into the ground about hip distance apart. Keep your arms at your sides, palms facing forward, and press your shoulder blades together.

Upward Salute

Inhale your arms up and over your head, keeping shoulders relaxed.

Wrist Stretches

Circle your right wrist with your left thumb and middle finger and gently pull right arm toward the left. Repeat on the other side.

Forward Fold

Exhale as you fold forward from the waist, bringing your fingertips to your shins or the ground.

Half Forward Fold

Inhale and lengthen the spine (without standing up).

Low Lunge

Step the right leg back into a lunge and drop the right knee, lifting the chest as you bring your hands to the left thigh. Lean back to open the front of the body.

High Plank Pose

Plant your palms on the ground and step left leg back to a high plank position with your shoulders over your wrists and body in a straight line.

Half Push-Up

Bend your elbows to lower your body toward the ground, pausing halfway down. (Too tough? Drop your knees to the ground before bending your arms to bring your chest and chin toward the ground.)

Sphinx Pose

Lower belly to the ground and rest your elbows directly under your shoulders, with your forearms parallel to each other on the floor. Lift your head and chest off of the floor.

Cobra Pose

Straighten your arms to lift your chest farther from the floor. Press the tops of the feet and thighs into the floor.

Upward-Facing Dog

Press the tops of your feet against the ground, lower your hips, and straighten your arms as you open your chest and gaze upward.

Downward-Facing Dog

Come back onto your toes and lift your hips up as you press into the palms and lengthen through the spine.

Forward Fold

Walk your feet toward your hands and exhale as you fold forward from the waist, bringing your fingertips to your shins or the ground.

Half Forward Fold

Inhale and lengthen the spine (without standing up).

Upward Salute

Inhale your arms up and over your head, keeping shoulders relaxed.

Mountain Pose

Stand at the top of your mat and root your feet into the ground about hip distance apart. Keep your arms at your sides, palms facing forward, and press your shoulder blades together.

Follow Ashley on Instagram and Twitter.