
  • HealthYahoo Life

    Research keeps telling us that sitting is bad for our health. Here's what experts recommend to get moving more.

    A sedentary lifestyle is linked to negative health consequences. Here's how you can go from sitting all the time to sneaking in movement.

    4 min read
  • NewsCosmopolitan

    Yes, You Are Actually Feeling Your Butt Flatten as You Sit on It at Your Desk All Day

    ​​It's called "office ass" and it's happening as we speak.​

  • NewsJenna Birch

    Is Sitting Really Going to Kill Us?

    Sitting for long periods may increase your risk of developing health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, so get moving.

  • NewsDevon Kelley

    Here’s What Happened When I Tried an Under Desk Elliptical

    “Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting."

  • NewsMen's Journal on Yahoo

    Sit Like This, Get Stronger

    Which is why I’d like to introduce a new concept: active sitting. Our butts may be glued to a chair, but that doesn’t mean we can’t engage those muscles.  Typically, when we sit in a chair, we dump our weight forward, curve our backs, and pull our shoulder blades out of position. Our abs are slightly engaged to keep the trunk upright, our shoulders are down and back, and our head is in line with our spine and shoulders. This is active sitting, and doing it fires up the muscles of the core, th

  • NewsYahoo Health

    Your Genes May Determine How Much You Sit — And What That Does to Your Weight

    There has been an explosion in our knowledge of the genes involved in susceptibility to obesity,” lead author Yann Klimentidis of the University of Arizona in Tucson told Reuters Health by phone. Klimentidis and colleagues used two large, long-term studies involving more than 4,000 subjects each, known as the Framingham Heart Study and the Women’s Health Initiative, to examine whether a common variant of a gene called FTO was related to self-reported time spent sitting. Klimentidis said that o

  • NewsAmy Capetta

    So Sitting Too Long Won’t Kill Us, After All?

    Prolonged sitting has been linked to premature death, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. But a new study says it might not be as bad as we thought. (Photo: George Hammerstein/Corbis) You may want to take a seat for this one… According to the latest findings from the University of Exeter and University College London, sitting for countless hours — either on the couch or at your desk — will not lead to premature death. This research is one of the longest follow-up studies on this topic;