
  • NewsEmily Sundberg

    12 Amazing Places to Run a Marathon: Volcanoes, Temples, and the Great Wall

    Running a marathon isn’t just a race, it’s a memorable — and often, meaningful — event in one’s life. So why not go big and travel to a unique location for your 26.2-mile task? The stunning views will distract you from the pain, and inspire you to reach the finish. (Bonus: Awesome Facebook profile pic.) 

  • NewsAmy Rushlow

    Why I Run: 20 Marathoners Get Real

    The humor columnist Dave Barry once wrote, “There is a very fine line between ‘hobby’ and ‘mental illness.’” That’s especially true when you consider marathon runners, who train for six months to run 26.2 agonizing, exhilarating miles — toenails be damned.  And yet, the sport is as popular as ever. The number of U.S. marathon finishers has more than doubled since 1990, according to data from Running USA.