Personal Hygiene

  • NewsYahoo Life

    'Half-Assed Summer Makeup Routine': Instagrammer Makes the Most Relatable Memes

    Instagram user Grace is shedding light on the bigger picture of what life is like with depression and anxiety, through humorous memes.

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Woman Brushing Her Hair for the First Time in 4 Weeks Shows Impact of Depression

    Depression can be all too prevalent, affecting actors, supermodels, singers, doctors, and people from all walks of life. But the common mood disorder is becoming more pervasive in the young. One brave young woman, Katelyn Marie Todd, is opening up on Facebook about what depression feels like and how — when one is in the midst of it — even the smallest things, like brushing your hair, can simply be too much to handle. “I brushed my hair today. For the first time in four weeks,” Todd began her mov