
  • NewsYahoo Life

    Having a Feminine or Masculine Face More Important Than Looking Symmetrical, Says Study

    A study has found that people tend to prioritize how masculine or feminine a person’s face looks when judging attractiveness. Symmetry has traditionally been known as the scientific basis for attractiveness. Thanks to some very nonscientific analyses of celebrity faces, it’s become a standard assumption that the more symmetrical the face, the more widely the person is considered to be beautiful.

  • NewsYourTango on Yahoo

    Men with Feminine Faces Attract More Women

    Photo Credit: iStock Do feminine men really make the perfect partners? Well, according to The Daily Mail, the answer is a big fat YES: “A study found ‘masculine’ looking men were judged to be less faithful and worse parents. Similarly, psychologists found men with feminine facial features are seen as more committed and less likely to cheat on their partners. The study asked over 400 British men and women to judge digitally altered pictures of male faces made to look more masculine or feminine