Fat Talk

  • NewsYahoo Life

    How to Shut Down Negative Body Talk When You’re Home for the Holidays

    “There’s an underlying necessity to go into this type of conversation over the holidays,” Robyn Silverman, author of Good Girls Don’t Get Fat: How Weight Obsession Is Messing Up Our Girls and How We Can Help Them Thrive Despite It tells Yahoo Style. “We take our three small children on vacations with my in-laws at least twice a year,” she tells Yahoo Style.

  • NewsYahoo Life

    Here’s Why Women ‘Fat Talk,’ Study Finds

    Whether it’s declaring that you’re “so fat” after eating dessert or that you hate your hips after someone compliments your outfit, chances are you or someone you’re close to has engaged in “fat talk” — that negative self-talk of putting yourself down in front of others. To understand why women participate in this common self-degrading banter, researchers at the University of Ottawa applied self-determination theory — in other words, what motivates you — to 453 female college students. Not surp