
  • HealthYahoo Life

    The controversial diet that helped one woman control her diabetes

    While this diet may work for some patients with diabetes, Katherine Araque, MD believes it’s hard to say that it’s the right fit for all diabetic patients. “It’s not one size fits all.”

    4 min read
  • NewsAsymina K.

    Should you exercise on an empty stomach?

    Kelly Pritchett, a board certified specialist in sports dietetics and an assistant professor in nutrition and exercise science at Central Washington University, says that while it’s not strictly necessary, eating before exercise can help top up your glycogen, or stored carbohydrates, which is what fuels our workouts. “Going into the workout well fueled will allow you to work at a high intensity, which equates to a better quality workout,” says Pritchett.

  • NewsTanya Edwards

    Red Meat Now Linked to Stroke Risk

    Red meat - but not other types of protein - is linked to an increased stroke risk, and the odds go up the more meat people eat, a recent study suggests. (Stocksy)

  • NewsKorin Miller

    Read This Before You Reach for the Butter

    Eating less saturated fat can considerably lower your risk of heart disease. But Harvard Researchers have found that if you don’t swap it out for the right foods, your healthy efforts will be a moot point. (Photo: Getty Images) According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, swapping out saturated fats (found in butter, full-fat milk, cheese, and meats) for an equivalent amount from polyunsaturated fats (often found in fatty fish and some vegetable oils), mon