Handwashing with cold water just as good as with hot to kill germs

The temperature hands were washed at made no difference, the study found  - 2009 AFP
The temperature hands were washed at made no difference, the study found - 2009 AFP

Hot water is no better than cold at getting rid of germs, a US study on handwashing suggests.

US scientists have poured cold water on the theory that only a hot bath or shower gets you clean.

They discovered washing in cool water removes just as many germs as hot water.

Antibacterial soap was no better than normal soap, researchers also found.

The findings suggest savings could be made on energy bills, the researchers suggest.

Food scientist, Professor Donald Schaffner, said: "People need to feel comfortable when they are washing their hands but as far as effectiveness, this study shows us that the temperature of the water used didn't matter.

"This study may have significant implications towards water energy, since using cold water saves more energy than warm or hot water.”

Just a short rub of the hands made a major difference, the small study, published in the Journal of Food Protection found.

"Even washing for 10 seconds significantly removed bacteria from the hands,” said Prof Shaffer.


Pears soap  - Credit: Alamy
The new advice calls for thorough handwashing using liquid soap Credit: Alamy


Researchers from Rutgers University in New Jersey followed 21 volunteers over six months who had their hands exposed to harmless bacteria and who washed at various temperatures.

The washed their hands for ten seconds at a time in water at 60, 79 or 100 degrees fahrenheit (15.5, 26 and 38 degrees celsius) and using varying amounts of soap.

Neither the temperature nor the amount of soap used made any difference to the amount of bacteria removed simply by washing for just 10 seconds.

The researchers said it was more important to ensure people washed their hands at all, before preparing food and after using the lavatory, than it was to insist water was hot.

While the study suggested that the amount of soap made no difference to harmless bacteria, researchers said more work was needed to understand how much, and what type is needed to remove harmful microbes.

However, British experts were cautious about the findings - saying hotter water is needed in order for detergents to work properly.

Dr Lisa Ackerley, a food safety adviser for the British Hospitality Association, said: “Warm water is good as it helps the soap to lather and it's the action of washing soap off which helps to get hands clean.

“But the actual water temperature won't kill bacteria as it can't be too hot or it would burn,” she said.

NHS advice says hands should be run under tepid running water, before liquid soap is applied to every surface of them, and rubbed vigorously for at least 10-15 seconds.

The guidance from the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence says particular attention should be paid to the tips of the fingers, the thumbs and the areas between the fingers. Other areas to wash include the palms, back of the hands and the back of the fingers.

And last year England's deputy chief medical officer said people do not spend long enough on handwashing. 

Dr Gina Radford said each wash should take around 45 seconds - as long as one verse of "God Save the Queen".

The Health and Safety Executive recommends that hot water should be stored at 60 degrees celsius (140 farenheit) or higher in order to protect against legionnaire’s disease.

The guidance says hot water should able to reach a temperature of at least 50 degrees celsius (122 farenheit) within a minute of a tap being switched on.