This Is the Real Reason Women Live Longer Than Men

"Masculine" behavior can be self-destructive, psychologists say. ​​

From Woman's Day

Is there something in the Y chromosome that makes men more susceptible to aging and disease?

Probably not, say researchers. The fact that women in the U.S. live an average of 5 years longer than men can't be explained by physiological differences.

But cultural pressure to act "masculine" may keep men from complaining, even when they're sick or injured, Mental Floss reports. According to new studies published in Preventive Medicine and The Journal of Health Psychology, men are less likely than women seek medical treatment when they're experiencing symptoms. Men tend to downplay their pain and, as a result, have more serious health problems later in life.

From a young age, boys are told repeatedly to "be a man" and "man up;" They're encouraged to suppress emotions, hold back tears and never complain.

Rutgers University psychologists and study authors Diana Sanchez and Mary Himmelstein wanted to know what, if any, impact these messages of "toxic masculinity" had on men's lifespans.

They conducted two separate studies, surveying more than 800 men and 250 women about their medical issues and beliefs surrounding masculinity and gender. A portion of the men were asked to come in to the clinic for an appointment with medical students and nurses, both male and female.

The study authors found that men who identified strongly with stereotypically masculine traits preferred male doctors (whom they perceive as more competent), but were more likely to openly discuss their symptoms with a female practitioner.

"They don't want to show weakness or dependence to another man, including a male doctor," Sanchez said in a statement. Female doctors were perceived as more understanding and nonthreatening, which helped the men feel comfortable expressing their problems.

"Men have a cultural script that tells them they should be brave, self-reliant and tough," Himmelstein said. "Women don't have that script, so there isn't any cultural message telling them that, to be real women, they should not make too much of illnesses and symptoms."

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