How Derms Stay Healthy and Gorgeous

Treat your body right and your skin will benefit, too. Here, top derms share how they stay healthy—and gorgeous.

By Nicole Catanese

Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, M.D.

Associate clinical professor at Yale University School of Medicine and Lancome Consulting Dermatologist

Essential Workout: “I’ve been practicing yoga since I was a teenager, and go once a week. I love the moving meditation aspect of it. Living in New York, I also walk a lot.”

Power Food: “I am a big believer in the benefits of coffee, which research associates with lessening the incidence of skin cancer. I also eat red grapes every day, which are packed with resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red wine that is also a powerful antiager. Studies even suggest that it could help you live longer.”

Stress Reliever: “I’m addicted to bubble baths. I also love being in the country—all you need to do is walk through trees and greenery and breathe in fresh air [to feel great]!”

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Shirley Madhère, M.D.

A holistic plastic surgeon and founder of SoHo Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery in New York City

Essential Workout: “I love trampoline classes. Fifteen minutes on the trampoline equals 30 minutes of running. On a low-key workweek, I’ll also do athletic yoga and pilates class, too.”

Power Food: “Probiotics help balance intestinal flora and optimize my immune system, which I believe is key to antiaging. Ideally I get them in the form of leafy greens, which contain prebiotics to help increase probiotics naturally.”

Stress Reliever: “I meditate every morning. It’s not about getting rid of your thoughts, but learning how to live with them, filter them and set them aside.”

Julie Karen, M.D.

Clinical assistant professor of dermatology at NYU Langone Medical Center

Essential Workout: “I’m a runner. If I’m in training mode, I’ll do a big loop of about 8 miles. But even if I can only get in 20 minutes, it clears my head.”

Power Food: “I always eat a whole-wheat English muffin with peanut butter for breakfast. It’s also my prerace or long-run meal because it’s packed with protein and fiber. I snack on almonds (they’re so good for skin!) and a piece of antioxidant-rich dark chocolate every day. I’m all about satisfying your cravings without overdoing it.”

Stress Reliever: “Having a glass of wine with a friend or tackling mundane tasks on my to-do list. If I can check off a few things, I feel so much better!”

See more: Up Your Metabolism With These 10 Superstar Foods

Ellen Marmur, M.D.

Associate clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center

Essential Workout: “In a perfect world, I’d hike all day long. Otherwise, I’m all about the elliptical for a good 45 to 90 minutes. Every morning I need to work up a sweat and endorphin rush. If I don’t, I can feel the difference.”

Power Food: “I’ve had the same Mediterranean salad every day for two years, with a mix of lettuces, fresh vegetables, dried cranberries, and either tofu, seeds or nuts, like pecans. It’s super water-based, so if I’m busy and can’t fit in my eight glasses a day, this keeps me hydrated.”

Stress Reliever: “I nestle in bed with a huge book. Lately it’s the young adult Divergent/Insurgent series—I can’t get enough!

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photo: Anastasiya Zolotnitskaya / Getty Images