Axl Rose Wants Google To Remove Fat Axl Meme

At this point, nearly 30 years after we first met leonine serpent-god Axl Rose, the man looks a little different. Anyone who's seen recent photos of videos of Rose knows he looks like an older man now. He's a little thicker around the middle, and he's made some unfortunate decisions with respect to both hair…

At this point, nearly 30 years after we first met leonine serpent-god Axl Rose, the man looks a little different. Anyone who’s seen recent photos of videos of Rose knows he looks like an older man now. He’s a little thicker around the middle, and he’s made some unfortunate decisions with respect to both hair and facial hair. Naturally, there are some unflattering photos of him out there. And naturally, some enterprising internet types have turned those photos into a Fat Axl meme. So now Rose is doing whatever he can to scrub those photos from the internet.

TorrentFreak reports that Rose’s representatives have been hitting GoogleUserContent and Blogspot with DMCA claims, attempting to assert copyright ownership of that Fat Axl meme wherever it might show up: “Copyright image of Axl Rose. Please be advised that no permission has been granted to publish the copyright image so we cannot direct you to an authorized example of it.”

Rose, of course, comes from a different era of celebrity, and he has evidently not yet learned that your best bet is to just stay quiet and take the L. I wonder if Michael Jordan will hear about this and get ideas.