6 "Dog-Person" Stereotypes That Are Totally True


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Chances are, even if you’re not one yourself, you know a dog person. They’re the ones jogging around the park with their black lab or pushing their Bichon Frise down the street in a stroller. And while being a dog person or a cat person doesn’t necessarily fit a particular formula, there is some science that helps define and explain the differences between these two personality types. “I hate to pigeonhole people and personalities, but sometimes you’re just clearly a canine lover or feline lover!” says Somyr Perry, retired veterinary nurse and eHow Now Pets expert. Her many years as a vet (as well as a dog owner) have given her special insight into exactly what makes dog people tick – figuratively, of course. Read on to find out if your personality matches up.

1. You kind of look like your dog.
In fact, sometimes owners even pick up the habits and behaviors of their canines. But usually it’s the other way around, with a dog mimicking his owner’s behavior, according to Perry. So if you notice an intense urge to start gnawing on the bones from your baby back ribs or your dog suddenly favors your afternoon napping spot, it might mean you need to include some other people in the mix.


2. Everyone you meet is your new best friend.
Just like your pup, if you’re a dog person, you crave being around other people and other dogs, and socializing is a huge part of your daily routine. “In my experience, ‘dog people’ tend to be a tad more social and outgoing, which is important when you have an especially active dog,” says Perry. And a 2010 study published in the journal Anthrozoos confirms this. When rated on five different personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness), self-identified dog people scored higher on extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness.

Related: 8 “Cat-Person” Stereotypes That Are Totally True


3. You follow the rules.
While being a dog person doesn’t necessarily mean you drop everything to sit, stay and roll over, it does make you more likely to be obedient. “One study showed that dog people tend to be (in general) rule-followers, happy to go with the flow,” says Perry, referencing a 2014 study presented at the Association for Psychological Science meeting. So is it nature or nurture? The lead researcher from the study, Denise Guastello, Ph.D., does mention environment as being a strong influencer of this trait, but whether dog people are obedient or obedient people love dogs is a little more complicated to sort out.


4. You can read the room.
“Dogs really pay attention to social cues – how people are moving, talking, voice tone – and they are uncannily good at interpreting human behavior, which is why they’ve been our close companions for so long,” says Perry. And many dog owners pick up on this trait, becoming adept at reading and interpreting other people’s verbal and nonverbal communication. In other words, you know the difference between a snarl from a co-worker who means “back off!” versus a proverbial wagging of the tail as an invitation to grab a cup of coffee and chat.


5. Your dog is your baby.
A dog owner’s over-the-top pet spoiling rivals that of the so-called “crazy cat ladies.” “Crazy dog people (like me!) tend to treat their dogs as if they were their own children,” says Perry. “And they accessorize their dog to death – outfits for every season, collars for every occasion, pretty food and water bowl sets and fancy beds.”

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And why shouldn’t you spoil Fido? He provides you with unconditional love, and, in return, you treat him like one of the family. You’re not alone. In a 2011 Harris Poll survey, 92 percent of dog owners said they felt like their dog was a member of the family and treated them as such.

6. You understand the motivational power of a treat.
You know that food can be the ultimate reward, whether it’s looking forward to a cheat day at the end of a long week or treating a friend to dinner for doing you a favor. “Most dogs are highly motivated by food and would eat a whole bag of chips (like I would) if you let them!” says Perry. While you may want to indulge every now and then, you recognize that an occasional reward for a job well done is perfectly acceptable.

The original article “8 Dog Person Stereotypes That Are Totally True“ appeared on LIVESTRONG.COM.

By Rachel Grice

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