5 Mistakes You're Making with Your Beauty Routine

by Dove Body Wash


You may think you’ve got your beauty routine down to a science. But chances are, you are making a few all too common mistakes—starting with your morning shower. Each day, your beauty routine begins here. Avoid these beauty blunders and you’ll be on the right path to great skin this fall. 

Mistake #1: Excessively hot water
A hot, satisfying spray of water may be your favorite way to start the day, but experts caution not to let it get too hot. If you suffer from dry skin, switch to warm water in the shower and lukewarm water at the sink: a few degrees can make a big difference. Combine these precautions with a moisturizing body wash and you’ll be well on your way to healthier looking skin.

Mistake #2: The quickie dry shave
Tempted to run your razor over dry skin to save time? Think twice—shaving dry, unprepped skin could cause irritation, and make it even more likely that you’ll nick yourself in the process. For best results, shaving should be done in the shower, while the water’s still flowing. Take the time to lather up with some shaving gel or body wash. If it’s the only option, conditioner can be a good way to get your legs ready for the blade. 

Mistake #3: Poking, prodding, and popping pimples
Mirror, mirror, on the wall…okay, stop right there. Too much time in front of the mirror and we tend to start going to town on our complexion. When it comes to keeping skin clear, it’s best not to touch. Popping pimples and other extractions can push bacteria deeper into skin. It also breaks it, damaging and risking infection and scarring. Instead, be proactive. A gentle cleanser applied anywhere you’re prone to breakouts on your face and body (chest, back and shoulders) is the best defense.

Mistake #4: Over-tweezing your brows
The other mistake that too much mirror time can bring on is over-tweezing. It’s easy to get carried away with tweezers. You might start by aiming for a few strays, and before you know it you’ve created too high an arch, or too wide a space between brows. Beauty experts recommend limiting tweezing sessions to every few weeks, not every day. And once you’ve begun, step back and assess every few hairs to keep yourself from going overboard.

Mistake #5: Focusing only on your face
We all want to put our best face forward, but don’t forget the rest! The skin on our neck, chest, hands, and beyond is just as important in contributing to our overall appearance.  Treat your skin with care from head-to-toe, making sure to give plenty of attention and moisture to every single inch. Use a moisturizing body wash when bathing and apply a lotion with SPF afterward, protecting skin dried by the sun in the summer, and by dry air in the winter.