
  • Obama's Favorite City To Spotlight Is Filled With People Who Distrust Him

    The president loves coming to Elkhart, a place that's undergone a major revival. So why doesn't Elkhart love him back?

  • 5 Money-Saving Tips For Retirement Like It Used To Be

    Retirement, by definition, was supposed to be our "Me Time." It was when we -- no longer shackled to a job that claimed the bulk of our waking hours -- would be able to indulge ourselves: kids grown, house downsized, golf clubs at the ready. Never mind that the recession depleted our savings, extended our support of offspring and killed our idea of retirement -- working until we are 70 is the new reality. Big Spending is about as evil as Big Banks and Big Pharma.

  • Encrypted Text: Rogue roles in PvP

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Encrypted Text for assassination, combat and subtlety rogues. Chase Christian will be your guide to the world of shadows every Wednesday. Feel free to email me with any questions! The rogue is the most feared class in player vs. player combat. While other classes may have had their 15 minutes of fame at the top, the rogue has been perennially powerful. In WoW, we were so hated that an entire video series was dedicated to how overpowered we must've been. In The Burning Crusade, the legendary Warglaive combo made us infamous in arena play. Death knights did dominate in the early stages of Wrath, but rogues came back strong throughout the patches. Cataclysm was the first time that I ever worried about the survival of the class in PvP. With health pools skyrocketing again and the much-maligned stunlock nerfed, it was obvious that fights were going to last longer than ever. Our energy system enables us to keep up offensively for an indefinite period of time, but our defenses typically gave out once our cooldowns had been consumed. Figuring out a way to stay alive throughout prolonged combat was going to be the key to success.

  • Makeover needed: Motor homes

    Name an industry affected by these problems: high gas prices, tight credit, and delayed retirement. One answer --- the motor home industry, in particular, the land cruisers costing $100,000 or more. According to a recent survey, motor home sales