car culture

  • Another Car Company Blows Kisses To Donald Trump

    Automakers seem eager to please the president-elect by announcing new job creation.

  • When I Quit Cutting My Hair, I Learned How Men Treat Women On American Roads

    Once cowardly road-ragers realize I'm a man, they quickly back off. ​

  • Why You Don't Own A Car

    The quintessential dream of waking up on your sixteenth birthday to find a new car adorned with a big red bow parked in the driveway is now a thing of the past. In an age of smartphones, iPads and other high-tech diversions, young drivers are just not that into cars anymore, as the New York Times noted in a recent article. 1.They Live In Cities Around one-third of those in their 20s and early 30s live in urban areas, according to a report published by the Pew Research Center in 2010.

  • 'Carmageddon' Could Curb Carbon Dioxide Emissions -- Or Cause Them To Climb

    HuffPost asked experts at University of California, Berkeley for some back-of-the-envelope calculations on what it could all mean for California's carbon emissions. For every gallon of gas we burn, we put about 19.4 pounds of CO2e (carbon dioxide plus equivalent greenhouse gases) into the air. If all of those 500,000 cars that take the 405 simply stayed off the road altogether, the Berkeley researchers said, that would mean a reduction equivalent to 4.7 million pounds of carbon dioxide.

  • Park[ing] Day In LA: From Parking Lot To Park

    What: Park[ing] Day participants are going to transform parking spaces and parking lots into mini-parks or "pocket-parks" for all Angelenos to enjoy for a day. When/Where: Friday, September 17 is when Park[ing] Day LA's partner organizations are setting up along Wilshire Boulevard, the Silver Lake/Echo Park neighborhood, Santa Monica, Culver City, Hollywood, Downtown LA, and near the USC campus (check the map).

  • Time to scrap the Hummer?

    Having abandoned my love affair with cars several years ago in favor of a rekindled flame with bicycles, I often find the public support of cars painful. My personal "sacrifice" (I think of it more as a liberation) seems meaningless while

  • Bikes: An Exercise in Frustration

    Paula Rodriguez, who lives in the San Fernando Valley, got so disgusted with soaring fuel prices last spring that she stopped driving, sold her SUV and bought a bike. "Drivers scream at me to get off the road," says the medical-billing clerk.