Heidi Dains

    Heidi Dains

  • Cheaters...Let's Be Honest!

    I'm just curious, of the cheaters out there who thought they had found their "solemates", how many of you actually are still with the one you cheated with? And how long did it take for the "honeymoon" period to end and reality to set in? I've seen both sides of the story on these blogs and just inte

  • It's Just Venting

    For those of you who read and commented on my last post about the "other woman" I want to thank you but also clarify some of the things that may have come across wrong. I have spent lots of time dealing with my situation. And I know that my pain will come through when discussing this topic. But I tr

  • Truths for the "other woman" from the spouse

    I have gone over and over in my mind why a single woman with a great job and a home of her own would want to get involved with a married man who is having an identity crisis and decided to cheat on his pregnant wife just days before their second baby was born and I just can't get my mind around the

  • Open Marriages!

    I have started to hear this concept more and more the longer I stay "separated" from my husband. It's seems like a strange arrangement to make in this day and age. I'm sure to the one who has the need to cheat it's the cherry on top of the sundae but it sure seems like a horribly messy way to live.

  • What are the Rules of an Affair?

    I'm new to this whole affair thing. My husband just recently dropped the bomb on me that he was having an affair and he'd decided I couldn't compete with "a solemate". He packed up and moved to the other side of the country just short of 3 weeks after our second child was born. He's been back to "vi

  • Single Women who Sleep with Married Men....WHY???

    I have to wonder why any woman would want to be with a married man. What is the attraction? And what is lacking in your life that can be filled by a man who is supposed to be off limits and unavailable? Just looking for some insight..

  • 70 % of relationships experience infidelity!

    I have heard this number and it's shocking to me. I know it's probably true and yet so sad. I am struggling with my decisions to end my marriage or forgive me husband who cheated and I've looked for answers everywhere to help me with my decision. One of the things that continually comes up is how co

  • I need advice: Drawing the boundary lines during a separation

    My husband and I are separated and he currently is living in another state. When he comes to see the kids he insists on staying in our house. He sleeps in the basement but it seems like such an invasion to me. I have been raising our children by myself for 7 months now and to have him stroll in and

  • Office Affairs...Do they ever end kindly?

    When affairs make it to the office does it ever end kindly? I know it's common place for affairs to start in the work place but what if you try to end them. Is is likely that the two people can still work together? What if one of the parities is married and choses to go back to his/her family? I am

  • Did you Legally Separate after your husband/wife's affair?

    I am struggling with the idea of legal separation. I feel that to protect my assets and my children that it makes a lot of sense but it also brings such tension and anger to the already difficult relationship I have with my husband. We have both considered the idea of working things out and in my he

  • Have you ever confronted your wife or husband's affair?

    My husband is currently having an affair and since I found out lots of my women friends have told me that they'd confront the other woman and although it's crossed my mind, it's just not in me. I don't see anything good coming from it. Why would she believe anything I have to say (she wants to belie

  • Why is Cheating such an Epidemic?

    Since I found out my husband has been less then faithful in our marriage it seems like my story just isn't unique at all. Why does it seem that cheating is so common place? And what is it with thirtysomething single women taking married men for "test drives"? I know as a whole our generation seems t

  • How to forgive a cheater?

    My husband cheated and moved out and continually dangles the idea of "working" on our marriage in front of me over the last couple of months. But I'm struggling with the idea "How do you forgive and trust a cheater?" We have two small children and I want to give them a chance at a family but I don't