Kelly Donaldson

    Kelly Donaldson

  • Vitamin D Deficiency Occurrence in Different Countries

    The most common cause of osteomalacia and other bone-related diseases in adults is vitamin D deficiency. Unfortunately, the number of vitamin D deficient people is rising day-by-day. This is particularly evident in northern European countries where the population can't enjoy the benefits of sunlight exposure for a longer period during the year. According to this USA and Canada are countries where vitamin D deficiency because of lack of sunshine is very low.Vitamin D Deficiency cases in different countries

  • Things You Have to Know About

    Even if you are a non-tech user and you don't have a clue what is, chances are that you have come to this IP at least once in your life. So, if you are a standard computer user it is good to know at least something about this IP because at one moment you will need this knowledge.