Elena Serenson

    Elena Serenson

  • IP Address

    The popularity of certain default IPs mainly depends on the router manufacturer who uses them. Since Linksys, Netgear (the most popular router brands) use this IP, it is normal that this IP is one of the most popular default IPs today. A default IP is set in the manufacturer's factory, but they can be easily changed later if there is need for that.

  • Symptoms of Gallbladder

    Here you can read about the foods that trigger gallbladder symptoms. Gallbladder is a very important organ, located on the right side of your abdomen, near the liver. This small organ has a very important role in digestion. Its main function is to control the release of bile and to store bile as well. Sometimes, gallbladder is not able to carry out these tasks. The symptoms of gallbladder disorders usually include indigestion, belching, bloating, abdominal pain, jaundice, nausea and vomiting. There are several types of gallbladder disorders, but most of them have nearly the same symptoms.