Hunt Deer

    Hunt Deer

  • Nikola Tesla Secret - Get Free Electricity

    Nikola Tesla, a genius who not only exceeded the age in which he lived and whose heart beat steadily for mankind. Nikola Tesla was the visionary pioneer of this form of taking energy directly from the akasha. Therefore Nikola Tesla remains the free energy(electricity) parent. His dream was to supply the whole earth with free electricity (free-energy).Tesla was probably the smartest man on earth, maybe even smarter than Einstein. Tesla initiated secret projects and fascinating ideas that even today seems unbelievable, but many of Tesla Secrets were later attributed to Thomas Edison. ...

  • Free Electricity Generator

    Despite its tremendous power to radically transform our entire lives, many of us confuse the word free-energy and especially the concept of using a free electricity generator . What is a free electricity generator and what it actually means and why it is so important to know the fascinating potential of free-energy? What new vision of the world is born with the light output of such information kept secret by governments (because they do not want people to know) . ...