Chloe Park

    Chloe Park

  • 6 Ways to Dive into Your Heart, Life and Yoga Practice

    Most Westerners, myself included, start their spiritual journey in the physical. Meaning, they start "yoga" in the aspect of the postures, the poses, the asana. (Please read Patanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga.) Once practitioners begin their quest, their hunger calls for something more and they begin to explore the realm of what yoga really means. ...

  • 6 Ways to Have More Clarity, Consciousness and Love

    Ahoy my fellow seekers! Are you ready to set sail for 2012? As this year comes to an end, I sit and reminisce on all the trials and tribulations I've endured, the people who held me in moments of grief, the elated celebrations of growth and success, the people who were there to share in my happiness and joy and in essence, simply in awe of the perfect nature of the unfolding of this whole life process. Reflecting always seems to allow for the space to see a congruency and synergistic pattern for an understanding of you know, the moments in which we live our everyday lives. ...

  • 6 Tips to Let Go of the Old and Bring in the New

    One of the most common challenges amongst human beings is the concept of "letting go." Whether that be in relationships, memories, things we don't use anymore and even articles of old clothing-things we haven't worn in years, sometimes even decades. For some reason, death is a feared concept. Isn't death just as natural as birth? Isn't letting go just as important as bringing in? Here are some tips on how to practice "OUT with the OLD and IN with the NEW."1. First of all, you gotta make space. ...

  • 6 Tips to Experience More Love in Your Daily Life

    I'm a lover. If I were to label myself, I'd call myself that. I love to love. I love giving just as much as I love receiving. What a special gift we have as humans to be able to experience love with one another. Don't you think? Here's some tips on how to experience more love in your daily life. And I'll tell you a secret, the best part is -- there's no limit.1. GIVE LOVE. We're going to do a little breathing exercise, ok? Here we go. Inhale the biggest breath you can. Hold it for a second and pause. Now exhale it out fully. Ok, take note of that experience. ...

  • 6 Tips to Create Your New Reality

    Nobody likes the feeling of being stuck. You can't really make a change in life til you're fed up with repeating the same old patterns. You've gotta be done. And I mean, really done. Make that promise to yourself. Here are some simple tools that may help you on your journey in creating your reality and owning, fully, what it really means to be YOU.1. E=mc2.You've gotta get hip to this. Acknowledge ENERGY. The most important factor and absolute seed of creating is not to just acknowledge, but actually REALIZE that everything is, in fact, energy. This is not a concept or idea. ...

  • 6 Tips to Tune into Your Intuition

    Can you wake up to a truth that already lives inside you? When that deepest, most internal center of your being is awoken, there's no way it can be further ignored. You can try to place it on the sidelines, some people go years, even decades before they surrender, (in some cases, some may never) but sooner than later- that voice will start screaming, yelling, even ache for attention. It will be as loud as you need it to be to hear it. This voice is called your intuition. Also known as your truth. ...

  • How to Follow Your Heart & Realize Your Dreams

    Are you seeking meaning, purpose or significance in your life, career, or both? Or maybe looking to make a change and find something that brings you closer to your true self? Here are six tips to get you started:1. Ask yourself, what do you LOVE? What do you love doing? What comes naturally and easy for you? What traits do people compliment you on? What did you love doing when you were a child? When are you the happiest?2. Get ready to say good bye to a lot of people and a lot of things. ...