Edy’s® Ice Cream

    Edy’s® Ice Cream

  • Lighter Desserts to Enjoy During Swimsuit Season

    Summer is synonymous with swimsuit season, and for many that means saying "no" to summertime desserts. But that doesn't need to be the case. There are plenty of lighter options to choose that will allow you to indulge your summer sweet tooth without compromising your sizzling silhouette. Fruits, gelatin, and even ice cream can be figure-friendly when you make smart choices. Try these cool and light summertime desserts for a guilt-free, sweet treat.

  • Perfect Patio Desserts for Summer Nights

    Not every dessert will do on a hot summer night. The best after-dinner treats will cool and refresh you, especially if you're eating outdoors. These desserts are perfect for sitting on the patio and relaxing after a long summer's day.

  • 5 Healthy Ice Cream Topping Ideas

    Summer is the time for pool parties and barbeques, county fairs and lemonade. And there's no better way to cool off than with a classic ice cream treat. Even for those of us watching our waistlines, ice cream can be a healthy way to snack and beat the summer heat. Just be sure you choose a healthy ice cream, like the light varieties of Dreyer's/Edy's® Slow Churned Light Ice Cream, and top with satisfying, healthy toppings. Try these surprisingly healthy ice cream topping combinations for a fun, cool, and nutritious summer.

  • Beat the Heat with a DIY Summer Ice Cream Social

    Summer-friendly desserts are light, refreshing, and delicious. That's why my family always turns to ice cream when it's time to wind down from a busy, hot summer day. If you want to get the neighborhood kids, your family, or a group of friends together, a DIY summer ice cream social is a simple idea that everyone can enjoy. With five simple steps you can put together a stress-free gathering that'll delight kids of all ages!