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    Recipetips Com

  • Obesity May Raise Odds for Painful Leg Condition

    The health risks associated with being overweight and obese are well publicized, but new research may add another condition to this list: leg lymphedema, pain and swelling due to blockage of the lymph nodes in the groin area.

  • How to Clean a Stainless Steel Sink

    For General Care:

  • Take the Grrr Out of Grill Cleanup

    1. Burn it off. Why do today what can wait until tomorrow? Don't tackle burned-on bits right after cooking. Sizzle them off when you preheat for the next cookout.

  • Chicken Cooking Times

    The correct chicken cooking times and the precise temperatures for cooking chicken are extremely important. The optimum flavor and tenderness of chicken can be consistently achieved when care is taken to follow the recommended time and temperature guidelines for cooking chicken.Using the recommended time and temperature guidelines will ensure that the meat is cooked to the minimum safe internal temperature, which is critical in preventing food-borne illness that can be caused by undercooked chicken. ...

  • How to Cook Broccoli

    Broccoli can be cooked using several methods. Some common methods are steaming, boiling, sautéing, stir frying, and microwaving. Broccoli should be cooked until they are tender-crisp. Before starting to prepare the broccoli, rinse the head thoroughly in cold water and remove any wilted or damaged leaves. After the broccoli has been cut as shown below, soak it in salt water or vinegar water to help force any insects out that are lodged within the florets.Recipes broccoli salad 347 Recipe If the stalk is going to be used, cut off the tough bottom end. ...