Disney Baby

    Disney Baby

  • 12 Sunny Baby Names Inspired by Summer

    Ahh, summer. One of my favorite times of the year, because of the warm weather and the ever-growing desire to go to the beach. Some of my fondest memories of growing up were in the summertime - backyard barbecues, beach vacations, and staying up late to catch lightning bugs. Summer also brought on a new meaning when I survived the hot Florida summer months during my last two months of pregnancy with my oldest daughter. Although some of these months can be tough for a pregnant mama, they are so rewarding when you hold that little one in your arms for the first time. In honor of my favorite time of the year, I wanted to share some of the baby names inspired by summer - By Lauren Jimeson MORE ON DISNEY BABY Mirror, Mirror: How Children Reflect Our True Selves 3 Things That Definitely DO Get Easier When You're a New Mom

  • 10 Signs Your Baby is No Longer a Newborn

    Margot is officially 12 weeks old now, and I'll be honest, it breaks my heart. I LOVE the newborn stage. LOVE IT. I'm a sucker for teeny tiny babies too small for their clothes, the "newborn baby" smell, and the adorable puppy sounds they make during their first few weeks of life. Now that Margot is 12 weeks old, I'm realizing that she's not a newborn anymore…

  • 5 Tips for Leaving Baby with a Babysitter

    When searching for a babysitter for all three of my kids, I asked for recommendations from neighbors and our realtor. There were about 30 people that I went through before choosing the babysitter that I thought was best for our family. Give the babysitter a tour of the house.

  • The 6 Most Fascinating Things I've Learned from Having a Son

    After having four girls - this little boy named Grayson was oh-so-different. I never realized how different boys are after having girls, but they are - in the most wonderful way possible. It's a different kind of love and the tightest snuggles from my mommas's boy. But most of all, he has taught me more about being a mom to a boy. And I've learned so many things along the way.

  • How to Create a Cozy "Calm Down Area" for Your Toddler

    Toddlers are so much fun! They are learning and growing and changing at every turn and seeing them take on new skills is one of my favorite things about parenting. That said, toddlers are not without their challenges, and one of the biggest challenges can be tantrums and behavioral issues. Toddlers are still just learning about the world and their emotions and frustrations are inevitable, but there are ways to help and a "cozy calm down area" is one of them! Keep reading and I'll explain…

  • 7 Ways to Simplify Life as a Mom

    I just wrote this post here about how I've been simplifying the summer life with my brood and what DIY tips and tricks have helped me get there. But I forgot to mention a few quick tips and life lessons to simplify your everyday as a mom. Sometimes it takes a quick refresher to remind yourself that you just need to live a simple life.

  • 8 Ways to Help a Distracted Nurser

    I find that if I keep my attention focused to Macks and not on other things like my phone or the television, he is more likely to have longer nursing sessions. Sometimes I'll even sing him a song while nursing.

  • 30 Adorable Baby Name Pairs for Twins

    I have two friends who are expecting for the very first time, and both of them are pregnant with twins! They have some names picked out, but I thought it would be fun to brainstorm some more possibilities for them. (Ha!) Some people name their twins similarly, giving them names that either have a similar sound (Everly & Oliver,) have the same number of syllables (Mason & Daphne,) or start with the same letter (Lydia & Luke.) As a former teacher, I kind of have a love affair with alliteration, so I put together 30 adorable baby name pairs for twins! What do you think of these?

  • 10 Things Only Your Youngest Child Will Do

    I'm the oldest child in my family (with two younger sisters, plus two brothers), so I have no experience being a little sister.

  • 3 Simple Ways to Naturally Soothe a Teething Baby

    We love having those water-filled teething rings on hand. Infant amber necklaces can soothe teething pain by just being on the skin.

  • Why I’m Choosing an Epidural

    Having gone through the labor and delivery process three times before, I've done the birth spectrum-all-natural birth with a midwife, laboring in the tub, and then with my last child, I chose an epidural for my labor. After having my own babies and working as a labor and delivery nurse, I'm not foolish enough to know that any two labors are ever the same.

  • 10 Possible Signs You Have "Baby Fever"

    It comes in waves. One minute I'm joyfully counting my blessings and thankful sleep deprivation and diaper blowouts are, for the most part, a thing of the past. One encounter with a newborn and it hits me - "baby fever." For me baby fever is based purely off emotion, there's no logic involved, which means it can leave just as quickly as it came (for some toddler tantrums can facilitate that exit :). Here are a few signs that may suggest you too have "baby fever":

  • 10 Potty Training Tips from a Third-Timer

    Timing really is key when it comes to potty training. Nothing jumpstarts potty training faster than when your tot hangs out with an older cousin or friend and sees him or her using the potty.

  • 7 Everyday Activities that Become Teachable Moments

    Even though I don't have a career working with children anymore, I still use a lot of my training and education as a parent. One technique that has stuck with me and that I continue to use with my own daughter is the idea of teaching through everyday moments (AKA "teachable moments"). Here are a few ways I sneak teachable moments into the everyday with my little one. 7 Everyday Activities That Can Become Teachable Moments For Toddlers

  • 25 Sweet Baby Names Inspired by Fruit!

    A newborn baby is one of the sweeter joys in life. So sweet in fact, that we often immerse ourselves in the magic of it all. Inhaling their smell, kissing tiny fingers and toes and holding them close, knowing that we are just as comforted by their presence as they are by ours. So many aspects of babyhood, and the years that come after are sweet, making a name synonymous with such a worthy contender.

  • 3 Simple Ways to Slow Down Time with a Growing Family

    Growing up, you're always told that time passes you by quicker and quicker as you age. The first 20 years of my life seemed so long, and now that I'm approaching my late-20's, time magically seems to be speeding up. These are the moments I especially don't want to pass me by too quickly.

  • 25 Fancy Names for Baby Girls (with Adorable Nicknames!)

    I remember thinking as a kid, that "Lacy" didn't sound like a very grown-up name. It didn't sound very fancy. Now that I'm grown and have children of my own, it doesn't bother me one bit. Names are so important and really play into who we are and who we become. If you're looking for a fancy baby name for your little baby girl, here are 25 of my favorite. With any name, you've got to have a nickname picked out as well, so I've included some ideas for those as well. Enjoy!

  • 52 Unisex Baby Names from A-Z

    It's no secret that my husband and I are some of the worst baby-namers on the planet.

  • 30 Signs Your Baby is Now Officially a Toddler!

    Recently I came to terms with the fact that my baby had made the transition to being a toddler. Although there are days when I find myself missing that newborn stage I've come to love toddlerhood. It's a fun stage. There's much more learning and exploring and growth happening. Everyday feels like an adventure and every night I find myself kissing my sweet girl and thanking her for the love and light she has brought into our lives. Here are just 30 things that I've found to be indicators that your baby isn't a baby any longer:

  • 10 Simple Ways to Get More Sleep with a Newborn

    Newborns are pretty much one of the cutest things on the planet, but they sure don't let you get much sleep! Sleep deprivation is probably one of the most challenging parts of new parenthood, simply because it makes all the little challenges feel so much more amplified. A crying newborn seems a lot more overwhelming when you're running on three hours of sleep. That said, this is a relatively short season of life. ...