Amy Velasquez

    Amy Velasquez

  • The "Before and After" Blog Trend

    A look at the growing trend of Before and After weight loss blogging. Good or annoying trend?

  • 5 Most Important Things I Learned in College

    Some of the most important lessons I learned throughout my 4 years in college.

  • Workout, Diet, Both or Neither?

    Finding out what works for your when it comes to fitness and being healthy.

  • Need a Moment? Grab a Friend!

    Why is it so important to have our girl time or guy time? Because sometimes there are some things only our fellow gender will understand or even want to know for that matter!

  • I'm in the Moving Business

    My experience with moving at least once a year the last 7 years. How I became a moving extraordinaire.

  • When Smiling Actually Hurts: Losing My Best Friend

    How I had to learn to smile without hurting after losing my best friend.

  • 10 Sports Terms Women Don't Understand

    It's Sunday afternoon and you're listening to a conversation going on behind you. It sounds like some foreign language with terms you don't understand. No you're not in a foreign country, you're at home listening to men in your living room talk a lot of football jargon. Some women have trouble understanding the basics of sports such as football, basketball, baseball or hockey. It's ok! I'm here to cover some of the sports terms that most women may not know so next time it's football Sunday you'll raise eyebrows not for your awesome Mexican cheese dip but for your sports knowledge! <br> <br> Might help to understand why men care so much about sports and as a sports fan myself I can narrow it down to one word, competition! There's something so invigorating about rooting for your team and seeing them do well, to have something you believe in and stand for. The historical traditions in sports make it all the more fun, things like tailgating and watching the game after a big turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. So ladies, don't fight it, instead try to join in the fun! <br>

  • Music to Your ... Heart

    A different take on the power of music as a therapeutic source for children in hospitals.

  • The Camera Does NOT Add 10 Lbs

    Regardless of what you've heard, the camera does not add 10 lbs. It actually makes no sense, considering every famous person that comes out on the screen is made to look their absolute best when put in the public eye. Why do we continue to obsess over celebrity bodies? When will the focus shift to c