

  • 3 Ways to Lose Weight This Month

    Summer is officially over, which means that skinny jeans season will be here before you know it! Now THAT is reason to lose weight! But don't stress, we've got a plan for you that will whip your hips and thighs into shape while trimming down that muffin top! The best part is that you will be sweating and slimming at home for free. Yup, forget the gym, forget expensive exercise equipment, the only equipment you need is right in front of you- yes your computer. It's all happening on BeFit, Lionsgates' YouTube channel, where losing weight and getting in shape is free. ...

  • In 90 Days You WILL Be Fit

    Yes! It's your favorite time of year again- "bikini season!" I know, that first day out of the gate, when you timidly strip off your clothes to expose your pasty skin, only covered by the strip of fabric known as a bikini (but is really just glorified and waterproof bra and panties) can be terrifying. Well, it will be slightly less terrifying if you snap out of your old routine and kick start your BeFit program…It's actually easier than you think.You can transform your body in 90 days, at home, with daily exercise videos, for free. ...

  • "Dancing with the Stars" Weight-Loss Workouts

    BeFit... Transform Yourself.Forget treadmills, elliptical, and spinning. You won't get this workout at a gym. ...