Yahoo! Contributor Network

    Yahoo! Contributor Network

  • How to Make a Family Bathroom Work

    When my kids were still very little, too young to take baths on their own and still in diapers, I was the proud owner of a lovely home with two bathrooms. Then, as children do, they began to grow. My clever decorating scheme gave way to bathtub crayons, cartoon characters, and toothpaste from floor to ceiling - don't ask how the little darlings managed that last one, because I couldn't tell you.

  • Celebrate Flag Day with a Craft and a Treat

    Flag Day, the holiday that recognizes when Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States, takes place annually on June 14th. It's also the perfect day to warm up your patriotic crafting and cooking skills, and generate some summertime fun with your kids. ...

  • Guest Bathroom Basics for Busy Summer Months

    Summer is a busy time for moms - there are pool days, summer reading clubs, and daily "I'm bored" complaints to deal with. With multiple playdates and visits from family, you're sure to have a busy household this summer. Make sure your guest bathroom can handle all the extra traffic with these helpful tips:

  • Farmer's Market Meals Your Kids Will Love

    When I became pregnant with our first child, I started learning more about the food industry. I decided I didn't want chemicals, hormones and other additives to be part of my diet. Furthermore, I wanted my daughter to eat clean. By the time we had our second child, we had switched to a primarily organic diet. We enjoy farmer's markets and fresh, local food. I am surprised at how many vegetables my kids like. These farmer's market meals will delight your children too.

  • An Easy Mother's Day Breakfast Casserole

    On May 8, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation declaring the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day. The day was designed to recognize and honor all mothers, both living and deceased, for their immense contributions to family and country. Mother's Day is a day for spending time with family, and being stuck in the kitchen isn't what creator Anna Jarvis had in mind.

  • Midday Workout Must-Haves

    The lunchtime workout can be a timesaver for busy women. Sneaking in a workout at lunch means you'll be able to sleep later in the morning AND be able to make plans at night! Since you're likely heading back to work, or busy with kids, midday workouts require a little extra planning. Here are five things every woman needs for a successful daytime workout.

  • Our Embarrassing Potty Training Mishaps

    I am the proud survivor of one potty trained child. My child definitely wasn't one who was potty trained in three days. In fact, it took about six months before my daughter abandoned her training pants. However, there are still times when she laughs too hard and has an accident. Indeed, potty training is part of being a mom. As the mom of an almost five-year-old and a one-year-old, I have heard some funny potty training stories from other mothers. It's great to know that I'm not the only one whose child was obsessed with potty talk or had some embarrassing accidents. ...

  • Healthy, Colorful After-School Snacks

    Every day, without fail, my 11-year-old son trudges through the front door, theatrically tosses his backpack onto the nearest chair, and asks weakly, "Mom, do we have any food?"

  • Answers to Your Kids' Awkward Bathroom Questions

    There are few places you will get more awkward questions from your small child than in the bathroom. How do you answer these crazy questions? Well, when you get finished blushing, laughing or fainting on floor, you've got to give them an answer that they can understand. Here are a few of the more awkward questions kids might ask in the bathroom, and some answers that my keep you from standing there tongue tied and wondering what to say. What is poop? This is an easy one! Poop is the leftover stuff that passes through our body after we get all the good nutrition we can from the food we eat. ...

  • Your Guide to Easy Homemade Baby Food

    Making your own baby food is one of the easiest and most rewarding things you can do for your family. It's also the best way you can control what goes into your baby's body. You can choose organic or non-GMO foods and also be assured that there are no artificial ingredients or unnecessary additives. It's fun, easy, and incredibly gratifying. So let's get started!

  • April is Earth Month! Go Green with These Fun Recipes

    Colorful plates are healthy plates! Celebrating "green" is easy in the kitchen and gives us an opportunity to excite our kids about eating healthier. Celebrate Earth Day or Arbor Day this April with these fun and healthy recipes that you can make together. You might even learn something new along the way.

  • Mom's Tricks for Keeping Towels Under Control

    With four people in my house, the towel situation can quickly get out of control. If everyone were to use a different towel every day, I would have to wash 28 towels a week. That's a lot of laundry. In order to keep our towel situation manageable, I have put several procedures in place. This ensures I'm devoting less time to chores and more time with my family. Here are some of my mommy tricks for keeping the towels under control.

  • Kid Craft: Easy Easter Table Decor

    Whether you're planning a large, formal Easter dinner, or simply celebrating each spring day with your little ones, here are some fun ways to bring color, eggs, spring flowers and Easter festivities to your family dinner table. So go grab some paper, glue, scissors - and even some plastic Easter eggs - and learn how to create easy Easter table decor, a perfect kid craft (that you'll enjoy just as much):1. Recycled Easter placecards - This easy craft is a great reason to save and reuse leftover Easter cards from previous years. ...

  • Secret to Getting 'Mom Time' in the Bathroom

    For many moms, one dream far surpasses all others: enjoying some guilt-free "mom time" in the bathroom. Taking a nice bubble bath without desperate cries for "Mama!" or tiny hands reaching under the door probably seems as likely for many moms as having a lottery check delivered personally to their homes by Brad Pitt. If you share the fantasy of "mom time" in the bathroom, consider these secrets that might possibly turn your dream into a reality.

  • Freshen Up Your Standard 'Mom' Beauty Routine

    If you're stuck in a beauty or makeup rut and are ready to try something new this season, add a few new products to your makeup bag. Any busy mom can enjoy a mini makeover just by adding a few new color palettes or basic makeup products to her routine. Whether you want to amplify the eyes, create a radiant glow, or achieve flawless skin, you'll need to employ a few simple makeup tricks and techniques for a fresh new look. Here are some things you can do to freshen up your standard "mom" beauty routine:

  • Moms' Best Spring Cleaning Advice

    It's that time of the year when you can't ignore that to-do list any longer and decide to tackle your spring cleaning. Generally speaking, most moms don't relish the time spent doing it, in addition to the long list of other tasks at hand, not the least of which is spending much-needed quality time with the family.

  • Stop Your Family's Snooze-Button Habit

    Does your family's snooze-button habit have you down? No one ever plans on chaotic mornings, sleeping late, rushing the kids out the door, or missing breakfast, yet for many moms, this is a daily reality. If your family's morning routine leaves you stressed and ready for a change, consider these five tips for re-gaining control of your mornings and stopping your family's snooze-button habit:1. Move alarms - Hitting the snooze button two, three or four times every morning is easy to do when your alarm is next to your bed. ...

  • Get Your Kids in and Out of the Bathroom in 15 Minutes

    "Brush your teeth. Brush your hair. We only have 20 minutes to get out of here. Did you remember to go potty? Go potty! We've got to go in 15 minutes. Please, hurry up! You have to brush the back of your hair, too. Hurry up! We have to leave the house in 10 minutes! Five minutes! HURRY!"

  • Beauty Solutions for Moms on the Go

    It seems almost cruel; when you did not need much time to look gorgeous, you had all the time in the world; but now that you are knee-deep in raising little ones, beauty routines are pushed aside. Don't worry; you can look and feel beautiful quickly with the following tips.Be simply "scentsational": A big part of looking nice involves feeling good, so employ simple aromatherapy techniques to your daily routines. Use lavender or chamomile essential oils to calm your frazzled nerves, or you can put pep in your step with a dab of sweet orange or peppermint. ...

  • Last-Minute Valentine's Gifts to Make with Your Kids

    Valentine's Day can really sneak up on a busy mom! If you're looking for some last-minute Valentine's Day gift ideas that your kids will have fun helping with, try out these five ideas straight from a host of crafty blogs. Best of all, you will likely find that you have lots of the materials you need for these Valentine's Day gifts available at home.