Bennett Weinberg

    Bennett Weinberg

  • Keep Hydrated -- and Don't Worry About Caffeine!

    Last summer, as temperatures rose to uncomfortable heights, George, an old friend, entered the coffee shop where I was enjoying a tall drink. After I signaled him to come over and join me at my table, I immediately noticed that he was evidently suffering from the heat. I suggested that, to cool off, he share a glass of iced-coffee that sat in a pitcher before me. George demurred, objecting that coffee, because it contained caffeine, would increase his discomfort by inducing dehydration, that is, it would cause his body to lose fluids. ...

  • Simple Steps to Springing Forward Seamlessly on Daylight Savings Time

    On March 11, many of you will wake up an hour earlier, and groggily ask yourselves, "Why do we even have Daylight Savings Times?" Here's why: In 1784, Benjamin Franklin jokingly proposed an annual time shift in the spring to help save money on candles. However, it was not until World War I, in 1916, that Daylight Savings Time was adopted and implemented by several countries in Europe. It seemed Ben's original thought had some validity to it, as we began turning our clocks to help make better use of daylight and to preserve energy in the warm months of the year.