Your HealthWorks

    Your HealthWorks

  • The Rise of Raw Milk

    When raw milk is produced in clean facilities with organic, grass-fed cows it can be a nourishing alternative to pasteurized milk. If you’ve been turned off of “normal” milk due to allergies or lactose intolerance, don’t pay the extra 50 cents for soy.

  • 10 Foods that Can Help You Kick Sugar to the Curb

    By eating fruits and vegetables with natural sugars, your body will feel satiated and eventually, you'll be able to wean yourself off your daily milkshake.

  • New Study Reveals that Exercise Recycles Damaged Cells

    Last week, researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center discovered insight as to how exercise is the natural cure to so many bodily ailments.

  • The Ultimate Comfort Food: Gluten-Free Meatloaf

    Meatloaf is a family favorite for good reason; it's filling, delicious, and easy to get on the dinner table. Of course if you can't -- or don't want to -- eat gluten, you'll have to adapt your traditional meatloaf recipe to your new needs.