Jayne Dough

    Jayne Dough

  • An Alternative to the Traditional Easter Dinner

    Rather than a stuffy, sit down dinner, my family celebrates Oestra style. Easter has linkages to the pagan holiday Oestra, which is officially celebrated at the spring equinox. The trappings of Oestra are bunches flowers, dyed eggs, rabbits, and bonfires. 1. Start the Day with a Bouquet

  • Easter Bunny 101

    Every year multitudes of people buy their kids bunnies for Easter without actually thinking through the consequences of their actions. If you are contemplating the purchase of a Bunny this Easter here are some things you need to know:

  • Want to Buy Your Kid a Bunny for Easter: Read This First!

    After having been a member of the family for 8 years, one of my kids' rabbits recently passed away. With the untimely demise of our pet I began thinking of all the Easter Bunnies who are going to die in the next few weeks because some parent thought it would be cute to get their kid a bunny for Easter.

  • Republicans: If I Only Had a Brain!

    I've heard a lot of people say that national politics and national politicians are nothing like the real, every-day people they are claiming to represent; I would beg to differ. My grandfather was fond of quoting Al Capone, "The reason there are so many crooks in politics is because they are truly representative of the people." Nowhere was this more evident than in reading my local paper.

  • Republicans Gone Wild!!!

    This morning I read the paper; nothing new there. Then I got disgusted; the news was awful and confirms my belief that this election season Republicans have taken leave of their senses!

  • You'll Never Believe What My Child Brought Home!

    Ok, I'll admit it: my kids go to a private Catholic school. I know that Catholics think birth control is a sin. I know that for Catholics women have no choice, it's just pump out baby after baby. I understand that this presidential election season has quite literally gone off the deep-end as far as women's choices, reproductive freedom, and well, . . . The Pill. But never in a million years would I have guessed that my elementary school daughter would come home from school with a paper that read: