Aloys Mwashekele

    Aloys Mwashekele

  • Comfort Zone

    We've all heard the saying;" push yourself out of your comfort zone," before and for various reasons. The most obvious reason in my opinion is to obtain personal growth through exposure to new or unfamiliar things, but how does one know where the boundaries, of just how far you are willing to push yourself, lie when your "comfort-ability" with your new endeavor can no longer serve as a guide? There's,after all, truth to the statement that too much of anything is a bad thing, thus venturing too far out of your comfort zone may have negative results. ...

  • Inequality

    It really saddens me to know that in this day and age inequalities still exist on all major platforms in Africa. It's a fact that if you are a woman, homosexual or black you have to work twice as hard to prove yourself, not to mention the negative people watching anxiously from the sidelines just an