Dr. Jerrod

    Dr. Jerrod

  • Murders by Muslim Children

    Know why young Muslim boys strap explosives to themselves, then blow up as many of their enemies as they can? Well, their Religious Teachers brain wash them into believing that their 'paradise' after death, will be twenty young beautiful virgin girls waiting to provide their every wish 'forever' !Wh

  • The Art of Making Love

    Making love is projecting a deep expression of feelings! A desire for physical, emotional, and spiritual contact with another human being that extends far beyond the act of mating.Making love is like renting a car in Nevada, and driving to New York City. It's a trip ! A wondrous adventure of excitin

  • Heaven is not a "place" !

    Heaven is an absolutely incredible, unimaginable, indescribable place, but the "place" it resides in is not a location. It is not high in the sky, or in space, or even in the spirit world, but it is in a high place where you can look down upon the world of man, and see its futility, as ancient scrip