

  • Another week, and only 1 pound

    Wow it's been a whole week since I blogged! Oops!I'm still struggling. Some days are better than others. The weight isn't dropping like I wanted. I wonder if it's the "cheating" I'm doing? (DUH)

  • Yeah I broke down

    Shortly after writing last night's blog I dug in to the cool whip and vanilla wafers. I didn't over do like I normally do, but I still did it. All I can do now is "shake it off" (like I tell my kids) and get back on the horse!

  • PMS and sugarfree don't mix

    It's that time of the month. The time that turns the sweetest of women into seething alien beings. You got it...the period.Normally during that time of the month I'd load up on chocolate. It's a sure fire cure for cramps and PMS. This time however is different. I'm on day 16 of my Isagenix plan and

  • Still Kicking

    So I'm on day 15 of the Isagenix plan. I feel great. Better than I have in months. I'm up early enjoying the solitude of the morning. My house is cleaner, I spend more time with my kids and less online because I don't feel lazy. The scale isn't going down though but I think that's because I'm exerci

  • Overdose on Chocolate?

    I am on day 14 of the Isagenix program. I've had my ups and downs over the past two weeks but last night I had a revelation. I finally GET it.I was at a dinner event. Being good I had pre-ordered a vegetarian plate. The food was fabulous! The dessert however was a double chocolate cheesecake. I just

  • Is cleansing all it's cracked up to be?

    Maybe I've been brainwashed over the years but how in the world can fasting and cleansing be good for you? Every "expert" I've ever known has told me that if you let your body go for hours without feeding it, then you slow down the metabolism and it goes into "starvation" mode. So the next time you

  • Finishing kids meals

    One thing I've noticed is that as a parent, if my kids don't clear their plate, my husband or I tend to finish it for them. For example, we were at a birthday party today. One had a hot dog, the other a burger. Neither ate the whole thing and I ate both. Then I finished up the cake too even though i

  • weekends are tough

    Even though I work from home, weekends are still tough on my eating. I guess it's because everyone else is home too and we have large family dinners on the weekends. At least what I am eating is healthy. Can't hurt to much to over eat on healthy food can it?

  • 9 inches in 8 days!!!

    Today is Day 8 of my Isagenix program. I weighed and measured myself. I have lost a total of 9 inches and 4 lbs in 8 days. Not even 8 days! I started using Spark People to keep track of calories so I know what's what. That's been a HUGE help.I've feeling energized, motivated and ready to lose more!

  • Reading the bruises

    Ok so the only bruises I have from screwing up yesterday on my eating is my ego. But it's a pretty good sized bruise. I was thinking about it this morning as I climbed back on the refrigerator. I really think yesterday was a good lesson for me. I needed to eat crap. Comparing how I felt yesterday to

  • Falling off the Refrigerator

    We've all done it. You are doing great on creating new habits. You quit smoking, you stopped eating your fingernails, you are doing great on your eating habits etc. Then the day comes. Something sets you off and BOOM! You are back to the old ways!That's how Day 6 of my new life went. It all started

  • 4 down...lots to go

    I snuck a peak on the scale this morning. I promised myself I wouldn't but I couldn't help it. I was down 4lbs from Thurs. I know...I know. It's water weight. So what! It's 4 pounds!!! I'm one of these people that needs to see instant results. I'm on day 5 of the Isagenix program and I'm seeing the

  • Weight Loss Journey Day 4

    Today was a HARD day! It was my first cleanse day. On the Isagenix plan, you have one day a week where you cleanse. The stuff I had to drink uhhh well let's just say ew. My friends liked it though. They said it tasted like weak tea. Problem is I don't like tea that much. I drank 2 of 4 drinks and a

  • Weight Loss Journey Day 3

    Today was pretty good. With the exception of the cool whip on my strawberries I did really good. I found that taking an appetite suppressant helps the cravings. (Note: taking appetite suppressants is NOT recommended or endorsed by Isagenix)

  • Weight Loss Journey Day 2

    I awoke this morning full of energy. In fact my house hasn't been this clean in months! It felt so good. I added blackberries to the chocolate shake...interesting flavor. Pretty good actually. Think next time I'll order vanilla and add fruit to it.

  • Weight Loss Journey Day 1

    So the UPS guy FINALLY came! Today I woke up with the excitement and anticipation of starting a new weight loss program. However this time I'm not looking at it as a weight loss program. I'm looking at this as a way to help me get healthy and live the life I want.Today has been pretty easy. I had my

  • Waiting for the UPS Guy

    Have you ever noticed that when you are expecting a package, I mean really anxious for it to arrive, the delivery guy takes FOREVER to get there?

  • The Garbage Truck

    Garbage Truck.