

  • My HUSBANDS mad at me...AGAIN.

    Today is Friday, I am in the office alone. What I thought was going to be a nice Friday to clean and organize things around here (office assistant is off), it has turned out to be a day to think about my husband. Now, I am newly married. I love my husband dearly. He knows as well as I know that he s

  • My Husband is TRYING to get me fat!!!!!!!!!

    Ladies, ladies ladies. I need some REAL help with this one. Let me give you a little history on things. My husband is a GREAT cook. While we were dating, it was always him that prepared the candle lit dinners. He would always tell me that once we were married he would make sure he cooked to help me

  • My Husband LOVES for me to dress up while around the house!!!!

    My husband LOVES for me to dress up while around the house...And I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!While we were dating we use to have conversations about women who love to wear the big comfy t-shirts around the house. And of course, he indicated how he hates the big t-shirts. And let me tell you, I am the queen of