

  • US Elections 08 - Are people rooting for Obama based on just faith?

    I occasionally browse through one of the many issues debated on US Elections 2008 at the Minekey portal for Elections 2008, where the community votes and discuss election issues. Interestingly, I came across more than 888 comments on an opinion about the economic stimulus policy proposed by Obama. B

  • Presidentail polls after debate

    Much-anticipated first presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama on Friday, September 26th, appears to have helped Obama slightly widen a lead over his Republican opponent by 4-5 points according to by voter polls conducted by news sources, with 49% voter support compared to 44% voter

  • Do you support giving birth to child with Down’s syndrome? 80% of all women and 50% of men do.

    I have never been one of those women who thought life without child is incomplete, but lately I have been having second thoughts. I certainly love children, and have three nephews and nieces with whom I get along so well that I am the coolest aunt for them. But by now, almost all my friends have had

  • An opinion about Britney Spears reached #1 spot?? Are you f*king kidding me???

    Let me give some context to this title - I recently posted an opinion on Britney Spears on Minekey, a place where you can write opinions on just about anything. My opinion was "Britney is getting back to normal life finally. Good for her!!", and within a few hours this opinion bubbled up right to th

  • Do women think more than they need to?

    Let me ask all women who are reading this blog at this very moment - how many times has it been that you just assumed something based on your friend's or partner's or sibling's unspoken actions? Or how many times have you taken someone's spoken words and exploded it beyond what it was really meant f

  • When women marry for security... do they end up divorced???

    So gold diggers may not end up "happily ever after..." or so it seems like based on the opinion I recently posted here. About 80% of 14,000 people agreed with it within a period of 24 hrs, and yet another 1800 comments made by various people had something to support the opinion. I remember getting p

  • My very first blog!!!

    I have been thinking about starting a blog, but have not been able to get over the initial resistance. I do think that blogging is a great way to be able to write something effortlessly and open it for discussion/comments to the world, who become your virtual family in no time.But maintaining a blog