David Zinczenko

    David Zinczenko

  • 4 fights that guys want to avoid

    Typically, guys like fights when they're at a hockey game, or watching reality TV. But guys don't particularly like fights when they happen in relationships.

  • 4 things he wants in a wife

    I have a friend who spent two weeks in Europe with his girlfriend, and some of it didn't go too well. He didn't like the haircut she got pre-trip.

  • 4 ways to connect with him

    If there's a No. 1 complaint about men, it's that they don't listen. In fact, one Men's Health survey shows that 70 percent of women complain that their men don't listen to them at least some of the time.

  • 6 things that scare your man

    A lot of guys try to give the impression that they're calm and cool, that they can handle the pressure, that they think worrying is for wimps.

  • 5 Reasons He Might Cheat

    When a high-profile man is caught with someone other than his wife, it's enough to get the collective voice of women asking a whole bunch of why questions.

  • 6 Things he REALLY wants for Father's Day

    Granted, every father has a different take on his big day. Some guys want techie gifts. Some guys yearn for a guilt-free round of golf. Some guys want scrawled evidence from his kids that they think he's the greatest human being alive-the more primitively personal the card, the better; this ain't a

  • Are his standards too high?

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with a man or woman making sure they get what they want out of a relationship. Whether or not you have (or he has) a literal checklist of an ideal mate or just a mental one doesn't matter. But what about the guy whose standards are so high-we're talking Mt. Everest h

  • Get him to listen to you

    Sometimes your guy's attention isn't focused where you want it to be: on you. Maybe he's spent the last month obsessing over the playoffs, and when he wasn't doing that, he was fiddling with his work email on a Blackberry, or simply wondering how the heck he got sucked into digging David Archuleta i

  • How does he judge you?

    I know it can be pretty hard to understand what a guy's thinking-especially when he's thinking about you. Does he like that new top you bought? What does he really think about your mother? Is he answering the does-this-make-me-look-fat question honestly? Some of that, of course, depends on what kind

  • Does he still want you?

    It's something we all wonder. No matter how heated the break-up, most of us spend at least a little time thinking about our exes and wondering if somehow, some way, some day we'll get back together. Maybe it's because we needed a little time apart to put all the good stuff in perspective, or maybe i