Scott W

    Scott W

  • 10 awesome ways to reduce stress without spending a dime

    Did you also know that stress can seriously accelerate the rate at which you age because of the incredible strain it puts on your body? Stress was already at alarming levels before these past few months, but it's now at critical levels for so many of us. There is no escaping the media coverage of t

  • 10 Specific Ways to Remove Clutter from Your Life

    Our lives tend to accumulate clutter in every corner: on our desks, in our drawers, on our shelves at home, in our closets, on our computer -- you name it, and clutter finds a way to fill every available space. But having a simple, uncluttered life is possible, with some very simple methods.

  • 7 tips to help develop a daily exercise habit

    One life habit that is often neglected is the habit of daily exercise. There are several reasons for this: too hard, too painful or the ever popular, I'll do it later when I have time. The excuses will continue to develop as long as you allow them to. At some point, you just have to pull the trigger

  • 12 simple ways to supercharge your brain

    Have you ever felt exasperated when you bumped into someone at the store but absolutely couldn't remember their name? Sure, it happens to all of us. Despite being the strongest computer on the planet, our brains do lapse. It's hard to blame them really. As humans, we spend much of or existence stuf

  • 15 easy ways to lose 50 pounds this year

    For many people, losing weight seems like an impossible task. "I don't have the willpower!" they say. But it doesn't have to be that hard.The basic rule of weight loss is that you take in fewer calories than you burn -- and if you want to turn a positive calorie balance into the calorie deficit you