Jolie du Pre

    Jolie du Pre

  • 5 top sex herbs

    We live in an age where people are looking for natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs. When it comes to increasing your libido and sexual enhancement, there are herbs that do the trick. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration hasn't endorsed herbs that can be used to enhance sex drive, but what

  • User Post: Test Your Semen Knowledge

    Whether it's your friend or your foe, my guess is that you're pretty familiar with semen. Or are you? How much do you really know about that white stuff? Test your knowledge with some trivia.

  • Stiletto heels: 'Beauty knows no pain'

    When I was a college student, one of my friends was a southern belle. She always looked terrific from head to toe, no matter what she was doing. One of her favorite expressions was "beauty knows no pain." It meant that a woman who wants to look sexy and beautiful will do so regardless of how much of