Carol Galanty-Galanty's Game Plan

    Carol Galanty-Galanty's Game Plan

  • The boob job dilemma

    What is with our society's obsession with large breasts? When did this start and how has it gotten so out of control? Out of my entire circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances, I only know two other women who are flat-chested like myself. Apparently, we are a dying breed. Now I have nothing a

  • The reality of prescription drugs

    Prescription drug abuse is on the rise and the users are not the typical street junkies that come to mind. Teenagers, soccer moms, and white collar businessmen are the people falling prey to this relatively new phenomenon. The drugs are easy to get, cheap and people falsely believe they are safer th

  • Easy raw desserts

    Getting refined sugar out of kids diets (or adults for that matter) is a major challenge. You can have the best of intentions, keeping junk food out of your house completely, but unless your child lives in a glass bubble, they will be continually bombarded with it every time they leave the house. Bi

  • User Post: Vitamin D deficiency and sunlight

    Here in the Northeast, we have been sunlight deprived lately. It has been a cold, wet spring. Not only is sunshine necessary for our sanity, but in its absence, it is very difficult to get a sufficient amount of vitamin D. Sunshine has been on our forbidden list for quite some time for fear of devel

  • Are you getting enough fiber in your diet?

    Everyone has heard time and time again that a diet high in fiber is important to your overall health. How do you know if you are getting enough fiber? A good indication is the size and frequency of your bowel movements. Now I understand that your elimination patterns are not exactly water cooler con

  • Juice fasting for beginners

    Fasting is not some new age hype that all the skinny people talk about. It is an often ignored, age old custom that is our oldest health remedy. Fasting is simply taking a break from food…as simple as it is, it can be quite therapeutic. It takes a lot of energy to digest food. Those internal organ

  • Giving kids healthy options

    It always amazes me when I hear parents say that their child only eats (fill in the blank) or when I hear people refer to "kid food". What exactly is kid food? Kids should be eating the same food we adults are eating and they will if given the option. I spent two days this week at my kids elementary

  • What's wrong with dairy?

    We've all been brainwashed from an early age that we need to drink our milk for strong bones and a healthy body. Well-intentioned doctors, parents and teachers as well as countless "Got Milk?" advertisements from the dairy industry have led us to believe that dairy products are an essential part of

  • Easy ways to add sea vegetables to your diet

    Sea vegetables are nutrient dense treasure chests of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals and should play a much larger role in the American diet than they currently do. These superstars are very high in calcium and iron as well as B vitamins, including the ever elusive B12, vitamin A, potassium, m

  • User Post: Raw foods: what is all the hype about?

    So exactly what isall the hype about raw foods? Is this just some fashionable new age mumbo jumbo that sounds impressive when chatting up your hot yoga teacher or is there something more to it? Most of the general population wonders why anyone in their right mind would want to follow such a regime

  • User Post: Conquer the sugar addict within you

    It usually strikes around 10am and 4pm and then again in the evening. Perhaps it's feelings of sluggishness or irritability, maybe the shakes set in or you feel like you are going to fall asleep at the wheel of the car. A boost is in order, so you turn to a mid-morning donut and coffee, late afterno

  • User Post: Dream Big: The Susan Boyle Phenomenon

    By now, most everyone who owns a television or a computer has watched the clip of Susan Boyle on Britains Got Talent and heard her unbelievable voice. Big voice aside, just what is it about Susan Boyle that has made her an overnight world-wide sensation?

  • User Post: Green Smoothies: My Kids Eat Kale For Breakfast

    Okay, I admit it…I get some kind of sick pleasure out of saying that I send my kids to school in the morning with a belly full of raw kale or spinach. As I watch them sipping away at their freshly made green smoothies, I pat myself on the back thinking I am such a genius at deception. What parent