EatingWell Magazine, Nicci on Nutrition

    EatingWell Magazine, Nicci on Nutrition

  • New study says organic food is not healthier--is that really true?

    Is organic food more nutritious than food produced via conventional methods? As a nutrition editor, it's my job to stay up on the studies that look at this very question. On July 29 researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine reported that there was no nutritional difference be

  • The real truth: high-fructose corn syrup is not the same as corn syrup

    Anytime we talk about high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) at EatingWell, we get a lot of passionate input from our readers. Some thank us for our careful reporting, while others argue that we got the story all wrong-and some are just confused. Sometimes they get HFCS mixed up with plain old fructose, an

  • Is high-fructose corn syrup causing your tummy troubles?

    A little while ago, EatingWell published a short article on high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS): it generated all sorts of comments, questions and controversy among our readers. One of the issues that several readers wondered about was whether HFCS might cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or make it w

  • Is high-fructose corn syrup making your kid hyper?

    I have friends with young kids who swear that sugary foods and drinks send their kids bouncing off walls. Before I become a mom, I generally assumed that their observations about sugar and behavior were more fiction than fact. (Kids are active. Don't they all bounce off walls, regardless of what the

  • Is high-fructose corn syrup making you hungrier?

    If you start reading ingredient lists, you might think high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is in everything: from soda, cereals and granola bars to even pasta sauces and ketchup. Is that a problem? Well, it depends on whom you ask.

  • Is high-fructose corn syrup making you fat?

    As a nutrition editor, I hear a lot about the evils of high-fructose corn syrup-the sweetener that's in everything from soda to pasta sauce. I've also seen the Corn Refiner Association's commercials that say that HFCS is nutritionally the same as sugar. It's hard to know what to believe.

  • 3 nutrition myths busted

    Some people just love to gossip about the health benefits of certain foods (like eating oysters for better sex), but it's not so great when they end up spreading food myths instead of truths. It's not that they're intentionally lying. It's just that they don't have the whole story. There are a few m