

  • What Is The True meaning Of A Hug?

    Don't you hate it when you think something is going to go one way and it goes another way entirely? That's how I feel right now. I thought I knew that a hug was a symbol of affection shared between two people who have mutual feelings for each other. Clearly I was wrong. Apparently, a hug is a meanin

  • Summary of My High School Life So Far.

    Hi. I haven't blogged in FOREVER!!!! I've been in highschool for total of 2 weeks. I completely overreacted! It is so not scary! All my teachers are nice, homework is just the right amount of confusing, and upperclassmen are nice. In fact I got hit on by an upperclassmen today! Wow. The first home f

  • Run for your life!! It's uniform night!!

    Yesterday was uniform night for the highschool band students. That's where you get fitted for the uniform you are going to wear to to marching competitions, football games, parades, and concerts. I got into the line and someone told me that I looked about a size 28 in pants, (these are uniform sizes

  • Bringing you up to date!

    Sorry I didn't post anything the past couple days. I've been busy, and not busy at the same time. Is that even possible?! Anyway, I'm excited because I get to go school shopping this weekend. Maybe. Money is kind of a factor in that one. I'm angry because there are SO many things to do before school

  • Freshman Orientation!!! OMG!!!!!

    I got back for freshman orientation about an hour ago. We learned about all the clubs we can join, and got our schedule. My mom and I talked to a few people at the school about my stuttering and what to expect. It's really annoying how people automatically associate stuttering with being stupid. I'm

  • My First Post!!

    Today, like pretty much every other day this summer, I've done NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first day of highschool is next week and I'm not sure if I'm ready to give up my summer. The only semi-productive things I've done are: practice my saxophone continue writing my book.