Karly Randolph Pitman

    Karly Randolph Pitman

  • 3 Radical Things to Do If You Eat Too Much on Thanksgiving

    When we eat too much on Thanksgiving, many of us indulge in a post-Thanksgiving workout to burn off all those extra calories - a workout that involves a lot of pain, sweat, and grimacing. We do this because we think it'll keep us from gaining weight this holiday season.

  • Finding 'enough': 6 ways you can tame holiday overeating

    When we say "good-bye" to healthy eating on Thanksgiving, the feeling afterwards can be terrible if we overdo it. Holidays are meant to be fun - and this includes food. But how to feast while also honoring our needs for health, energy, vitality and beauty? Here's how I plan to make it through this T

  • 4 steps to fix the hidden reason why you overeat

    Do you ever wonder why you overeat after coming home from work, after a fun outing with girlfriends, or at night?You're not alone. Millions of smart, accomplished, dynamic women do the same thing. The problem isn't insufficient will power, knowledge or discipline. The problem is sensitivity to energ

  • The #1 Secret to Losing Weight without Dieting

    If you read enough diet books, they contradict one another. One expert tells you to eat raw, another, high protein, another vegetarian. Who's right? While nutritionists may disagree on many things, there is one area where they agree: sugar makes you fat.In Jorge Cruise's new program, the Belly Fat D

  • My Mother's Day manifesto

    I am not a perfect mom. I am okay with that. In fact, I have stopped trying to be perfect. Instead, this Mother's Day, I am accepting me for who I am, for the mother that I am.I will never be "together." There will always be loose ends, some missed step, something that was overlooked or that is fall

  • User Post: 10 Tips to Quit Sugar

    We know that sugar harms our health, that it is addictive, that it causes inflammation, weight gain, mood swings, and is even the favorite food of cancer cells. But how do we break free? I was a hardcore sugar addict for over 10 years. I lived the pain of sugar addiction, suffering from depression,

  • Jealous of Pretty Women? Stem the Tide of Envy

    There can be a snide competition between women, where we allow other women to be beautiful .... to a point. Other women can be pretty, as long as they're not too pretty. A woman can be beautiful, but if she's also smart, organized, and a great mom? Forget it. We gossip about her and secretly love se

  • Tired of Trying to be a "Perfect" Mom? Find freedom with 7 Questions

    How did motherhood become a quest for perfection? Why are moms so hard on themselves? After years of trying to be a "perfect" mother, I found peace in relaxing my expectations, allowing myself to be, simply, a good mother. This switch changed the tenor of my home, improved my relationships with my c

  • User Post: What is my ideal weight? 5 tips for finding your happy weight

    If you're trying to lose weight, you probably have a goal, your ideal weight, in mind. A good question to ask yourself is, "Where did I get this number?"