Jada C

    Jada C

  • User post: Lazy girl's latkes and a giveaway

    It's Hanukkah and Dave's been seriously cashing in on his first year celebrating the festival of lights.

  • Lazy girl's latkes and a giveaway

    It's Hanukkah and Dave's been seriously cashing in on his first year celebrating the festival of lights.

  • User post: Giving Gracias (a Retrospective)

    I'm still recovering from the 48-hour cooking marathon, gluttonous spread and absolute debauchery that is our misfit-full, southwestern Thanksgiving celebration.

  • User post: Essential Thanksgiving tips, dozens of recipe links

    Preparing for Thanksgiving is like getting ready for a big game. You can't successfully execute without a solid game plan.

  • User post: Fried egg perfection

    Anything with the word "fried" in it is good in my book. Anything fried in freshly rendered bacon fat is even better. Our new weekend obsession is a heart blockage waiting to happen, but I'll risk a triple bypass later in life for this baby.

  • User post: It's all Greek to me

    I've botched baklava before. It's hard to pinpoint my mistake, as I was in fourth grade at the time, completing an assignment as part of a project on Greece. My mother and I got the recipe from the owner of a local greek restaurant (unfortunately, we didn't have the advantage of Epicurious or AllRecipes back then) and I'm afraid something was lost in translation.

  • My plan was foiled...

    A few weeks ago I went into a cleaning frenzy, and before I knew it, I had doused my entire oven in CLR. CLR is not exactly non-toxic, as you may know.

  • User post: Cooking the perfect anniversary dinner for five years of love, laughter and fabulous food

    Dave and I have been together five years this month. We've had some great times, travelled to some amazing places and are closer and more in love than ever. But enough with the mushy stuff---you don't really want to hear about that anyway---let's get to the good part: the food.I'm a part of this mon

  • User post: Food, football and redemption

    Last week, I made some delicious game-day food for the return of Sunday Football at Jim's place.

  • User post: Driving Traffic to a Food Blog in 5 Simple Steps

    As with this beautiful congregation of eggplants, more is always merrier.

  • Lemon-thyme chicken and herb gnocchi

    I have yet to make fresh pasta, for lack of this KitchenAid Mixer pasta attachment, but I thought I'd try making some gnocchi. My Essential Pasta Cookbook has the basic gnocchi recipe, and I made a few adjustments.

  • User post: Crispy crust, part 2

    I applied the rolling-pin approach to my leftover pizza dough today. It's definitely the way to go for a thin, crispy crust. I used my great old-fashioned wooden rolling pin. None of that silicone crap.

  • User post: Heaven on crust: prosciutto, arugula and parmesan pizza

    This, my friends, is pizza the way it was meant to be:

  • My Top Ten Food Photography Tips

    I was chatting with Melissa from CupcakesOMG! last week about food photography---cameras, techniques, etc. I've also been submitting several recipes and pictures to TasteSpotting, foodgawker and Photograzing. It got me thinking a lot about food photography.

  • User post: Smart grocery shopping, smart cooking

    I think I know one of the many reasons many people don't cook. I'm not generalizing here, but for me personally, Portions and Price were the two P's that hindered my culinary experimentation. Cooking for one or two people is hard because the portions are always too big and you can only stomach the l

  • User post: Cilantro-Lime Corn

    When we go to Joe's, we rarely stray from our usual side dish: Jennie's Potatoes. But since it was six of us this time, we decided to "whack it up" as my dad would say, and order several sides, including a seasonal specialty---cilantro-lime corn.

  • User post: A ridiculously easy crostini recipe

    Ok, so some may say that making bruschetta without basil and balsamic vinegar is sacrilegious, but trust me, in a pinch, this recipe is absolutely delicious and almost too easy. Just so as not to offend the traditionalists, we'll call this "T.O.G.O. (tomato, onion, garlic, olive oil) Crostini." It was a real crowd-pleaser at Dave's birthday. Even the birthday boy himself, who usually won't get near a tomato, loved it.

  • User post: The Best Potato Salad EVER

    At least I think so. But perhaps I'm slightly biased.