

  • Another Important Thing You Should Teach Your Child

    Shame comes from believing you don't live up to expectations, either others or your own. Just imagine how easy it would be for a child to start to believe they don't live up to their mom or dad's expectations, or a teacher's, and how many opportunities there are for them to start to think that.Some

  • The Most Important Thing You Can Teach Your Child

    If you examine all the things that young people and people of all ages struggle with, you find they are either defined by, or caused by generating more emotion than is necessary or helpful and what people do because of it, or to deal with it. Depression, anxiety disorders and anger problems are comm

  • Learn to Accept Yourself and Others Unconditionally

    Shame is the feeling we generate when we believe we haven't lived up to our own or others' expectations. That belief may be based on reality, or just our perception and imagination, but it has the same effect regardless of which it is.Shame is a very potent emotion. It can cause people to be relucta

  • Mental and Emotional Fitness

    If you think about all the things that go wrong in the lives of individuals, relationships, families, schools and society at large, they are either defined by, or caused, directly or indirectly, by people generating more emotion than is necessary or helpful for the situation they find themselves in,