

  • Lean N Mean 2

    My personal moto is In Omnia Partus because anything is truly possible.if you strive for it. I began a new lifestyle of healthy eating and exercising in january, 20010. Today in March 20010 I have accomplished soooo much. I have lost 19lbs by changing my eating habits and through yoga, pilates and w

  • What a wounderful Day

    I went to mass at 10 am and left feeling grateful for all my blessings. When I returned home my son invited me to lunch at a Cubanresturant in Atlanta. Coco Loco is a very clean place withe delicious food and good service. So I went off my diet this afternooon. But dinner is roast chicken with brown

  • My life in lawrenceville

    I moved here the later part of october to live with my son because I retired. I was sic 4 2 mos. now that I am well I have developed a new way to keep busy. First I began a yoga exercise group on tuesdays and thursdays.since then I have begun pilates I also walk on the mall. My goal is 10,000 steps