

  • If Everyone Got All Their Fruits and Veggies Everyday 200K Fewer People Would Die From Cancer Each Year!

    A new statistic suggests that if everyone ate all the fruits and veggies they should each day, around 200 thousand fewer people would die from cancer each year!

  • Drink Green Tea and Cut Your Risk of Breast Cancer by 50%

    New Studies are suggesting that women who drink 3 cups of green tea/day cut their risk of breast cancer by 50%Besides drinking it hot, here is another way to get your green tea (and other antioxidants)!Recipe: 1/2 cup blueberries (frozen, organic) 1/2 cup strawberries (frozen, organic) 1 big scoop g

  • Breast Cancer Awareness: IT'S NOT JUST FOR OLD LADIES!

    As you probably well know, October is breast cancer awareness month. This month is particularly special for me, as my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was just 29 years old. She has been cancer-free now for 23+ years, and she now does a lot to help young women develop good habits for li

  • Are You Fit to Fly? Airport Security May Soon Use the Wii Fit to Decide...

    So, basically the theory is that if you are up to no good on a plane, you will fidgit to an extent and they will be able to detect this nervousness when you step on a Wii balance board.The only problem is, I have enough trouble getting good scores on the Wii balance board in the privacy of my own ho

  • 3 Easy Ways to Make Better Choices

    Do you ever wonder how you got to the place you are in life right now? Maybe your life isn't how you expected it would be at this time. Maybe it's better than you expected, or maybe it's worse. If you think about it, life is really just a series of decisions. Should I do this, or should I do that? S

  • 6 Ways to Overcome Diet and Fitness Setbacks So You Can Achieve Your Health Goals!

    Failure is something we all have to deal with from time to time. Whether it's losing a board game, not winning a bet, or something more serious such as getting fired or being dumped, it's not exactly "fun" to experience.Some of the most successful people have failed miserably before they've hit it b

  • User Post: 5 Reasons To Love Yourself Just The Way You Are, RIGHT NOW!

    It seems like all we hear these days is how we should lose weight, exercise, and get a little "work" done. Don't get me wrong, I am all for improving your self-image. You should be able to do whatever makes you feel good about yourself. Having a healthy self-image boosts your confidence and can help

  • User post: 3 Ways to Cut Down the Stress of Starting Back to School

    It seems as if summer just began, but before we know it school will be back in session and the lazy days of summer gone. As with every ending, there is a new beginning and a chance to have a fresh start. If you or your children are heading back to class this fall, use these tips to make your transit

  • User Post: Are You Selfish Enough? 5 Areas Where Being Selfish Actually Helps Other People

    Chances are if you are a wife and or/mom or even if you are just a female, you often put too much on your plate. Who knows if we are born with the desire to do things for other people or if society just makes us that way? The bottom line is that if we really want to help people, we need to learn to

  • Fact, or Fiction? One Good Way to Stop Sweating the Small Stuff!

    We all know we should worry less. It is so easy to start worrying about the outcome of situations in the future, but more times than not everything turns out fine. In fact, it is estimated that 90% of things we worry about NEVER even happen! That's a lot of wasted time and energy that we could be pu

  • User post: My Brand New Juicer Just Got Here! Now What? What are Your Favorite Juice Recipes?

    I bought a juicer, I saw people on Oprah juicing all sorts of stuff with skins, seeds, and rhines still in-tact. So, I am a little bit confused...Should I just start throwing whatever I have in my fridge in there? What are your favorite juicer recipes? Do you peel your fruits and veggies?

  • Where Have You Gone Wrong? 7 Common Characteristics of People Who Are Lucky in Love!

    I can't help but notice those who ultimately have success in love (and usually life) share similar characteristics. Keep in mind that by success I don't mean that they have necessarily had it easy. Success is getting up just one more time than you fall down, so in love you have to keep getting back

  • Stretching in the Shower: 3 Reasons You Should Try It!

    I recently read a suggestion about stretching your muscles in the shower after your workout (if I could remember where I read this, I would tell you, but I read so many articles and magazines I can't keep them all straight!). Anyway, I decided to give it a go because a few months ago I jumped into t

  • If You Think All Men Are Scum, You'd Better Think Again!

    Have you been burned by an ex- boyfriend, or several? Maybe you've had guys who cheated on you, treated you disrespectfully or just didn't appreciate you. It's easy to see how women who have had bad experiences with men in the past could begin to think negatively toward the entire gender. This, howe

  • 4 Simple Ways to Boost Your Confidence!


  • User Post: Sleep Like a Kitten: 5 Tips and 4 Gadgets that Will Help You Get the Sleep you Need

    We all know the benefits of getting enough sleep are endless. Shut-eye helps our beauty, our mind, prevents diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease and generally makes us feel better. Not getting enough sleep can weaken our immune system and make us feel chronically tired. It is estimat

  • Stop Seducing Men and Start Attracting Them!

    Women tend to think that they have to seduce a man for him to like her. While it is important a man is attracted to a woman sexually, it should be because he likes everything about her, not because she is seducing him. Seduction is when you tempt someone sexually, often by acting in a manner that is


    If you are a single lady chances are you have envisioned your "dream guy." He's that perfect guy that's handsome, smart, funny, and altogether well-rounded. Though they may be few and far between, dream guys do exist, you just have to know how to get them. You must ask yourself-what does your "dream

  • Sadly, There is No Safe Tan.

    Just when we had perfected our "faux glows," a study out of Berlin shows that skin has 80% more free radicals when DHA is present. DHA is the active ingredient in self-tanners that gives skin color. Free radicals make skin more susceptible to damage and can cause wrinkles. It's even more important t