Jennifer Jolly

    Jennifer Jolly

  • Best Cell Phone Apps for Busy Moms (and Dads!)

    By Jennifer Jolly, Editor in Chief GoodIdeaGal.com 4/5/10

  • The Gold Medal Count That Matters Most... to Most Moms

    Okay, modern moms can totally relate to what I'm about to say: my life IS an Olympic competition. That's not meant to take one single thing away from all of those amazing athletes out there right now... but seriously... When my alarm goes off in the morning -- I go right into a race to survive and p

  • Gold Medal Good Ideas to Save Busy Families Thousands of Dollars!

    Olympic fever is all the buzz, but for busy families, every day seems like a series of world-class competitions. That's why, when a few good ideas really stand out from the crowd for making our lives easier and well, just better overall - we stop and give them a little podium time of their own. In p